Influencer Marketing: The Winning Strategy for Your 2024 Summer Campaign

Read time: 9 mins

a woman taking a picture of a beachside town in the distance

Summer Is The Season of Social Proof

With summer just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to tap into the power of influencer marketing. Remember when we talked about how social proof heats up in the summer? Well, it’s time to turn up the heat and see how influencers can boost your sales. 

From beachwear to backpacks, when items are touted by popular influencers, consumers tend to sit up and take notice. As people spend more time scooping up recommendations from their trusted social media gurus, partnering with the right influencers might be your recipe to boost those summer sales and spark viral campaigns.  

In this blog post, we will delve into the power of influencer marketing for your 2024 summer campaigns. We’ll explore the importance of picking the right influencers who not only click with your brand values but also resonate with your audience.   

We’ll go through different influencer types to identify the best match for your brand and unwrap some hot promotional strategies like contests and giveaways. Plus, we’ll serve up some tasty examples of successful brand-influencer collaborations to get your creative juices flowing.   

2024: The Summer of Influencer Marketing

Last year, Matters Communications unveiled that a whopping 81% of consumers were swayed into making purchases after seeing posts from friends, family, or their favourite influencers. This striking statistic showcases how personal endorsements can seriously drive interest and sales. And many brands have already jumped on this wagon by signing collaborations with influencers, as revealed by a recent survey by Influencer Marketing Hub With 85% of marketers finding influencer marketing the cherry on top of their strategies, the industry is expected to reach a staggering $24 billion by the end of 2024.  

So, why not ride the summer wave and launch your influencer campaigns when consumers are most receptive? This strategic timing could be the key to maximising engagement and driving your summer sales through the roof.  

The Checklist for a Successful Brand-Influencer Partnership

As you know, choosing the right influencer is more than just counting followers, and it’s always good to have a checklist at hand to ensure you’re covering all your bases. So, let’s break down some of the key factors to consider when selecting an influencer to represent your brand:  

Engagement Rate:

Don’t get star-struck by big follower numbers. A smaller influencer with a   with very active followers could make your campaign shine more   than a celebrity whose followers hardly engage.  

Content Quality and Authenticity:

Check out the influencer’s past posts. Are they sharing content that would make your target audience hit the ‘like’ button? If their feed is full of well-shot, relatable posts that resonate with their followers, they’ll likely bring that same quality to your brand.

a young man happily talking to his phone in a ring light

Reputation and Past Collaborations:

Do a little digging into their past partnerships. Did they spark positive engagement? An influencer with successful collaborations and glowing feedback is definitely a good bet.   

Values and Core Beliefs:

Make sure there’s harmony between the influencer’s values and your brand’s ethos; otherwise, your partnership can feel forced or fake. Authenticity builds trust and credibility, which is super important for nailing influencer marketing.  

Clear Communication and Expectations:

Set the terms of your partnership from the get-go. Define expectations for posts, hashtags, payment, and content guidelines to avoid misunderstandings.  

Focusing on these factors will help you forge a fruitful collaboration that will boost your campaign’s impact and will shield you from potential mishaps. Keep this checklist handy, and make sure you tick all the boxes before signing a partnership agreement.   

Nano, Micro, Macro, Mega: Choosing the Right Influencer for Your Brand

Whether you’re aiming for high engagement or broad reach, there’s an influencer out there who can help you achieve your targets. The choice boils down to your campaign’s goal and budget constraints.  

Let’s break down the strengths and limitations of the different types of influencers to make sure you don’t overlook any aspect when making this strategic decision:   

Nano Influencers :   

  • Pros: Nano influencers have high engagement and deep connections with their audience, often leading to impressive conversion rates. They’re perfect for niche markets and local campaigns.  
  • Cons: Their reach is limited due to their smaller follower count.   
  • Best For: Small businesses or brands seeking authentic engagement and targeted campaigns.   


  • Pros: Micro-influencers strike a balance between reach and engagement. They typically have a dedicated and highly engaged follower base within a specific niche.   
  • Cons: They might be harder to find compared to influencers with larger follower counts.   
  • Best For: Brands looking to leverage niche expertise and maintain a personal connection with their audience.

Macro Influencers:   

  • Pros: Macro influencers offer wider reach while still maintaining a degree of engagement and authenticity. They are great for large-scale awareness campaigns.   
  • Cons: They are more expensive than nano and micro influencers, and their engagement might not be as deep.   
  • Best For: Brands aiming to boost brand awareness and reach a larger audience.   

Mega Influencers:   

  • Pros: Mega influencers have massive reach and high visibility. Often celebrities, they can create buzz and brand recognition.   
  • Cons: They are very costly and might have lower engagement rates. Their broad audience can dilute the impact.   
  • Best For: Brands with substantial budgets looking for widespread recognition and mainstream appeal.    

Best Promotion Mechanics for Influencer Campaigns

Now that we’ve covered the various levels of influencers let’s talk about promotional tactics. When it comes to influencer marketing, some promotion mechanics work better than others. Here are some top strategies to amplify your reach and drive interactions:    


Competitions are a fantastic way to create buzz and excitement around your brand. They get followers actively involved, boosting engagement and visibility. An influencer promoting your competition on their channels can significantly increase your brand’s reach. Plus, if they encourage participants to share their entries on social media, you get a ton of user-generated content, expanding your campaign’s impact even further.

a young woman posing for a picture on her GoPro at the beachGifts with Purchase:

Who doesn’t love a freebie? Offering a gift with purchase adds extra value for customers and can be a strong incentive to buy. When an influencer promotes your giveaway campaign, it creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity.  

Referral Programmes:

Referral programmes leverage the trust and admiration followers have in their favourite influencers. A social media personality sharing a unique code or link to get an offer on your product works wonders for swaying buying decisions.  

Charity Collaborations:

Partnering with influencers to support charitable causes can significantly boost your brand’s image and engagement. When an influencer promotes a campaign where a portion of sales goes to a charity, it not only encourages purchases but also resonates emotionally with their followers.  

These strategies aren’t just effective—they’re exciting and fun for your audience. They not only make your campaigns engaging, but also build a community around your brand. 

Enhance Campaigns with Our Sales Promotion Workbook

A 10-step guide for sales promotion planning, from goal-setting to post-campaign evaluation.

Sales Promotion Planning Template Document Cover Page
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Case Studies: Successful Influencer Promotion and Giveaway Campaigns

After covering all the bases, it’s now time to see some of these strategies in action with inspiring case studies. These examples showcase how brands have successfully leveraged influencer marketing to achieve different goals.

Capitalise on Event Sponsorship: Ralph Lauren’s Viral TikTok Challenge #WinningRL

Ralph Lauren’s 2019 US Open TikTok challenge masterfully combined celebrity collaboration with Diana Silvers, a catchy hashtag, user-generated content, and attractive prizes. Here’s why their strategy was so effective:  

Strategic Timing and Targeting: 

Aligning the campaign with the US Open maximised visibility and engagement by capitalising on the event’s buzz.  

Influencer Engagement:  

Spearheaded by actress Diana Silvers, a known tennis enthusiast and star of “Booksmart,” her genuine appeal helped broaden the campaign’s reach beyond just fashion fans.  

#winningRL trend page on TikTok

Interactive Content:

The campaign used TikTok’s Hashtag Challenge Plus feature, inviting users to post their “winning” moments. This approach significantly boosted interaction and participation.  

Innovative Platform Use:

Ralph Lauren was one of the first to use new TikTok features. By combining sponsored challenges with in-app shopping, they created a smooth blend of content and commerce that enhanced user experience. 

User-Generated Content: 

Encouraging users to create their own content that resonated with Ralph Lauren’s brand ethos significantly expanded reach and engagement, deepening audience connections. 

Rewards and Incentives: 

Offering Polo Ralph Lauren merchandise as prizes motivated more participation, leveraging the allure of tangible rewards. 

This campaign showcased Ralph Lauren’s innovative digital marketing strategies and demonstrated how combining brand strategy with influencer authenticity and interactive elements can drive success.  

Change Brand Perception: BMW #THE1Challenge on TikTok  

The BMW #THE1Challenge on TikTok is a standout example of how effectively a brand can refresh its image and connect with a younger demographic through social media. Here’s an overview of the campaign’s strategic execution:  

Innovative Engagement:

 BMW launched the #THE1Challenge on TikTok, inviting users to create dance videos with a specific choreography. This strategy leveraged TikTok’s strengths—short, dynamic, music-driven content—to engage a young audience, perfectly aligning with the platform’s core functionalities and user preferences.  

Strategic Influencer Collaboration:

The campaign featured collaborations with popular TikTok personalities such as Sky & Tami, FalcoPunch, and PatroX. These influencers performed the choreography and encouraged their followers to participate by creating their own videos. This extended the campaign’s reach and enhanced its authenticity and relatability.  

Focused Targeting:

The #THE1Challenge was specifically designed to appeal to younger consumers, a strategic move by BMW recognising the importance of capturing brand loyalty early. This demographic is highly active on TikTok, making the platform ideal for introducing the BMW brand as trendy and accessible.  

Creative Use of Music and Dance:

Incorporating elements like music and dance ensured the challenge was engaging and enjoyable, not just a vehicle showcase. This approach is deeply embedded in TikTok’s culture, which celebrates creativity and expression, making the campaign resonate more effectively with its audience.  

Overall, the #THE1Challenge demonstrates BMW’s brilliant use of digital marketing to enhance brand engagement and appeal to a new generation of consumers. This campaign underscores the importance of aligning marketing strategies with social media platforms’ specific dynamics and user preferences to maximise impact.  

Create Buzz and Drive Sales: Pepsi’s #SayItWithPepsi Summer Campaign

PepsiCo’s #SayItWithPepsi campaign aimed to increase social media buzz and boost sales with limited-edition Pepsi Emoji bottles at Walgreens. By using influencers and targeted social media strategies, the campaign reached out to millennials, encouraging them to make their summer more fun with Pepsi. 


The campaign focused on driving online engagement and in-store visits, enhancing summer fun with unique Pepsi bottles. 

Partnership with Walgreens:

Collaborating closely with Walgreens, Pepsi ensured that the exclusive Pepsi Emoji bottles were prominently featured and available, enhancing the campaign’s reach and effectiveness. 

Influencer Engagement:

A diverse group of influencers created authentic and relatable content—blogs, photos, and videos—that directed their followers to Walgreens to make their purchase the special edition Pepsi bottles 

Digital Strategy:

 Pepsi used smart content syndication to extend its reach. By analysing which content performed best, they could repurpose the most successful pieces across different platforms, reaching even more people. 

Interactive Elements:

The campaign featured engaging Twitter parties, including one on #WorldEmojiDay, and an Instagram challenge that encouraged fans to participate actively and create their own content. 


The campaign successfully gathered over 46 million views and significantly increased Pepsi’s visibility and conversations about Walgreens and Pepsi, showing a highly effective and efficient marketing approach. 

This case study demonstrates how PepsiCo’s creative use of digital marketing and influencer partnerships effectively drew in the target audience, increasing both social engagement and sales during the campaign. 


Influencer marketing can seriously boost your brand’s presence and reach this summer. Choose a partner who fits well with your brand’s audience and values, use smart promotional tactics, and you’ll see engagement and sales soar.  

But remember to always be cautious and well prepared. While teaming up with influencers has its perks, it’s not without risks. For instance, if an influencer gets caught up in a scandal, it could quickly tarnish your brand’s image. So, make sure to do your homework with thorough background checks and have a solid crisis management plan ready to handle any bumps along the way. 

Influencer marketing isn’t just another tool in your kit. It’s the secret sauce that could make your brand the hottest name in town. So, embrace it and watch your brand flourish as temperatures heat up.   

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