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Branded Prepaid Cards

Turn your cashback payment into a brand awareness tool

The Impact of Branded Financial Rewards

Reward consumers with a prepaid card that reminds them of you whenever they use it. This payment tool becomes a portable advertisement that enhances the brand experience, visibility, and recognition.

Bosch branded prepaid card

Main Benefits of Branded Prepaid Cards

Prolonged Brand Exposure

Every time customers shop, dine out, or pay a bill, your branded card makes an impression, and each interaction reinforces brand awareness and recall.

a outline person being pulled into magnet

Broader Audience Appeal

Available in physical and digital format, branded cards cater to traditional users and tech-savvy customers, broadening your brand’s reach

a face with star eyes

Seamless Customer Experience

Customers can easily use branded cards online and in-store. The familiarity with this payment method enhances their experience and fosters brand trust.

Top Level Security

3D secure authentication adds extra security when customers shop online, protecting their personal and financial information from unauthorised access or fraud.

Flexible Branded Card Options

Choose from our range of branded prepaid cards to reward consumers and enhance brand visibility. Each option offers unique benefits, catering to different customer preferences and needs.

  • Physical Cards
  • Digital Cards
  • Virtual Cards

Physical Cards

Easy to use for daily in-store and online purchases, they are ideal for customers who prefer a traditional, hands-on approach to payments.

Bosch branded prepaid card

Compare Revenue Impact with Our Cashback vs Price Discount Calculator

Which promotion type is more cost-effective, Cashback or Price Discount? Our calculator provides a clear comparison to help you decide.

Benamic's Cashback vs Price Discount Promotion Calculator
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Align Financial Incentives with Your Brand Awareness Strategy

When to Use a Branded Prepaid Card

Branded Prepaid Cards can significantly enhance your marketing strategies by tying consumer spending directly to your brand, deepening engagement and loyalty:

Elevate Your Campaign with Tangible Brand Experiences

Branded Prepaid Cards transform ordinary transactions into powerful engagement tools. They connect your brand with consumer lifestyles and preferences. By incorporating branded cards into your promotional strategy, you provide consumers with repeated brand interactions, accompanying them at every swipe.

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Get Started

Experience the Impact of Branded Financial Rewards

Bring brand visibility to the next level! By choosing Branded Prepaid Cards, you become part of your customers’ daily lives and purchasing habits.

Trusted by the world’s leading brands