Price Match Guarantee: Speed Up Purchasing Decisions

Enhance your brand’s trust and drive sales by assuring customers they always get the best deal.

Benamic Logo


Handles your promotion from start to finish, including planning, claim validation, and global price match refunds.

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Your Business

Sets your brand apart by offering competitive pricing guarantees, building customer loyalty, and encouraging repeat business.

a shopping basket

Your Customers

Feel confident, secure, and satisfied knowing they are getting the best price.

Spark Immediate Action

By assuring customers they can get the best deal right now, you compel them to buy on the spot instead of shopping around. Our expertise, advanced technology, and unmatched customer support will elevate your commitment to unbeatable offers.

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Claims Processed


Optimised Microsite for Seamless Refunds

Your promotional microsite is more than a refund management platform; it’s designed to foster trust and elevate customer satisfaction.

  • Customised Design
  • Simple Refund Process
  • Fully Integrated Claim Validation

Customised Design

A bespoke microsite delivers a seamless user experience, bolstering brand trust and perception.

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Global Price Match Guarantee Refunds

Seamless global refund options in 141 currencies across 200+ countries ensure rapid and flexible payouts, enhancing customer experience and bolstering trust in your brand.

Claim Validation and Fraud Protection for Price Match Guarantee

Enhance your strategy with our AI-assisted validation technology, verifying each claim against bespoke criteria. This robust process deters fraud and maintains your promotion’s integrity, offering peace of mind and fostering customer trust.

I am very happy with the delivery and fulfilment of our European Consumer Promotion so far. The whole team at Benamic have been very professional and responsive to our needs. I would definitely recommend them for any future projects.

Head of European Promotions

Epson logo

Customisable Price Match Guarantee Promotions

Adapt your price match strategies to market demands and customer expectations with targeted options that enhance your competitive edge

Real-Time Reporting and Insights

Gain full visibility over your promotion’s performance with our online platform. Check real-time status, measure effectiveness, and manage specific claims anytime, anywhere.

Track Claim Processing Rates and Status

Monitor Progress Across Territories and Products

Compare Current and Past Campaigns

Pull Financial and Fraud Prevention Reports

a woman looking at her laptop screen with reporting and insights icons around her

Secure Global Compliance

Rely on us for robust global promotion compliance and data security, minimising risks. We protect your brand and your customers’ data, preventing costly fines, reputation damage, and loss of trust.

ISO-27001 Certification badge

ISO 27001

Data security certified.

ISO-9001 Certification Badge

ISO 9001

Quality operations ensured.

a GDPR Security verified icon


Adheres to GDPR, CCPA, and beyond.

How It Works

We’re dedicated to delivering a seamless experience that prioritises your promotion’s success and the satisfaction of your customers at every touchpoint.

1 Planning
2 Set Up & Launch
3 Promotion Redemption
4 Promotion Fulfilment
5 Post Promotion
a business store front icon


Define goals with us—we’ll do the rest.

Benamic Logo


Supports your promotional strategy development with our 15 years of industry experience.

Explore Case Studies

Promotional Marketing Resources

  • Promotion Inspiration
  • Related Articles
Discover new promotional ideas to inspire your next campaign.
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A warranty Certification with a badge icon

Extended Warranty

Maximising Customer Satisfaction and Long-Term Brand Loyalty

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a chatbot with a speech bubble icon

Promotion Chatbot

Enhancing customer engagement through automation

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2 price tag price match icon

Price Match Guarantee

Prompt Immediate Purchases by Ensuring the Best Deal

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I integrate Benamic’s platform with our existing CRM or marketing systems?


Absolutely! Integration is feasible and fully customised. Our platform has been harmoniously linked with various CRM and marketing systems through tailored API solutions, designed to meet each client’s unique needs.

What is the timeline for launching a price match guarantee promotion with Benamic?


Launching a promotion with Benamic involves a comprehensive setup process. While timelines vary, most campaigns are up and running within several weeks, ensuring meticulous attention to your brand’s specific needs and a successful market launch.

How does Benamic manage peak volumes during high-traffic promotional periods?


We shine when demand peaks. Our AI-enhanced technology infrastructure is at the heart of our capability to scale efficiently during peak times. This technology ensures seamless claim validation and refunds distribution, even during the busiest promotional periods. Our system is designed to handle high volumes without compromising on speed or accuracy, ensuring that your promotion runs smoothly, and your customers enjoy a consistently positive experience.

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Give Customers Confidence with Price Match Guarantee

Encourage immediate purchases by assuring the best price. Build trust and eliminate hesitation with a compelling price match offer. Start Promoting Now!

Trusted by the world’s leading brands