Pros and Cons of Cashback Payment Options

The choice of payment method can influence the overall success of your campaign by affecting everything from consumer satisfaction to your bottom line. This deep dive into six of the most popular payment solutions will help you make informed choices based on your specific needs.

Which payment solution better aligns with your promotional objectives, budget, target audience, and sustainability goals? Let’s find out!

Direct Bank Transfer: The Old Reliable

Bank transfers are undoubtedly one of the most popular cashback payment methods globally. However, their effectiveness depends on the target market’s financial infrastructure. While widely accepted in regions with robust banking systems, such as Europe and North America, they may not be the best choice in parts of Africa, South America, and Asia, where access to banking services is limited.


  • Highly secure and generally fee-free for both parties
  • Convenient for customers with existing bank accounts
  • Swift processing times, often within hours
  • Can be processed in any currency with minimal exchange fees
  • Minimal carbon footprint
  • No physical waste


  • Excludes customers without bank accounts.
  • Costs to set up an automatic payment system if you don’t have one
  • May be challenging in regions with poor financial infrastructure or ongoing conflicts/sanctions

Geographical Considerations:  Research your target market’s banking penetration, geopolitical stability, and any potential sanctions that could hinder bank transfers.

Revolut and other payment apps: Innovative but Geographically Limited 

Payment apps like Revolut have revolutionised how we handle transactions, offering convenience and efficiency. However, their availability varies across regions, and adoption rates may differ among demographics.


  • Instant transfers and competitive currency exchange rates,
  • Popular among tech-savvy consumers
  • Minimal carbon footprint
  • No physical waste
  • Financial sustainability for consumers who can track and manage spending


  • Limited availability and suitability for non- tech-savvy users.
  • Potential integration costs for a seamless cashback payment infrastructure

Geographical Considerations: While Revolut is rapidly expanding, local payment app solutions like Bizum in Spain, Paytm in India, and Alipay in China dominate specific markets. Avoid offering this option in regions with limited fintech adoption or infrastructure.

Digital Wallets: Convenient but Costly Integration 

E-wallets have gained popularity among smartphone users for their convenience and speed. However, integrating them into your cashback payment infrastructure may come with additional costs.


  • Quick and convenient for tech-savvy consumers
  • Increasingly accepted by merchants worldwide
  • Some digital wallet providers also support cryptocurrencies
  • Minimal carbon footprint
  • No physical waste
  • Financial sustainability for consumers who can track and manage spending


  • Initial setup costs for integration and security measures
  • Limited availability and currencies
  • Currency exchange fees for users

Geographical Considerations: E-wallets thrive in regions with high smartphone usage and robust internet infrastructure, such as parts of Asia, Europe, and North America.

Compare Revenue Impact with Our Cashback vs Price Discount Calculator

Which promotion type is more cost-effective, Cashback or Price Discount? Our calculator provides a clear comparison to help you decide.

Benamic's Cashback vs Price Discount Promotion Calculator
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Cheques: Not Dead Yet 

Don’t count out the humble cheque just yet. While perceived as outdated in some regions, cheques remain a familiar payment method for certain demographics, especially in North America.


  • Appreciated by older demographics.
  • Can be delivered digitally or physically
  • Funds are immediately available upon deposit
  • Digital cheques leave minimal carbon footprint and no physical waste


  • Physical cheques incur additional postage expenses
  • Digital cheques may require setup costs for issuance
  • Currency exchange fees for users in different regions
  • Physical cheques generate carbon emission associated with print and transportation and physical waste

Geographical Considerations: Physical cheques are a viable option in regions with limited digital infrastructure or where traditional banking methods are preferred. Digital cheques cater to tech-savvy users globally.

Prepaid Branded Cards: Popular But Limited Currencies

Prepaid branded cards are a unique opportunity to enhance brand awareness while providing a convenient payment solution.. However, their costs and limitations should be carefully considered.


  • Enhance brand visibility and offer co-branding opportunities
  • Available in physical and digital formats.
  • Widely accepted by merchants and e-commerce websites
  • Digital cards leave minimal carbon footprint and no physical waste


  • Costs associated with production and distribution of physical cards
  • Annual fees on dormant funds to prevent customers from accessing their cashback indefinitely
  • Available only in Euros, US and Canadian Dollars, and British Pounds
  • High currency exchange fees for some users
  • Digital prepaid cards cannot be used in-store unless linked to a digital wallet
  • Physical cards generate carbon emissions associated with print and transportation and physical waste

Geographical Considerations: Prepaid cards are effective in markets with developed financial infrastructure and widespread adoption of electronic payment systems such as the USA, UK, and Australia.

Cryptocurrency: Cutting-edge but Volatile and Costly

Cryptocurrencies use blockchain to allow direct transactions without banks, appealing to tech enthusiasts and offering cheap cross-border payments.


  • Instant transactions without traditional banking infrastructure
  • Lower fees for international transfers
  • Appeal to finance and tech-enthusiasts
  • Minimal carbon footprint
  • No physical waste
  • More energy efficient than traditional financial systems


  • Highly volatile value and varying regulations across countries
  • Potential integration, maintenance, and security costs
  •  Limited familiarity and acceptance among some consumers
  • Exposure to financial risks due to volatility

Geographical Considerations: Cryptocurrencies are primarily used in markets with high digital literacy and adoption rates, like the United States, South Korea, and parts of Europe. Several countries have restricted or banned their use due to concerns over financial security and regulatory control.