Sustainability and Social Responsibility in GWP Campaigns

Today’s customers are eco-conscious and socially aware. So, why not make your GWP campaigns environmentally friendly and ethical, too?

Here are some ideas:

  • Reusable Products: Offer waste-reducing gifts, like reusable bags or water bottles.
  • Recycled and Sustainable Materials: Choose gifts made from recycled, upcycled, or sustainably sourced materials.
  • Charitable Causes: Partner with charities and incorporate social responsibility into your GWP campaigns.

Enhance Campaigns with Our Sales Promotion Workbook

A 10-step guide for sales promotion planning, from goal-setting to post-campaign evaluation.

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  • Local Artisans and Fair Trade: Collaborate with local artisans or fair trade organizations for unique, handcrafted gifts.
  • Educational Materials: Provide gifts that educate customers about sustainability or social issues, like books or documentaries.
  • Minimal Packaging: Opt for minimal, recyclable, or biodegradable packaging for your GWP gifts.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Share information about your eco-friendly and ethical efforts with your customers.

In addition to these green and ethical considerations, it’s crucial to address legal and regulatory aspects when planning your GWP campaign.