The Psychology Behind GWP Campaigns

When making purchasing decisions, consumers blend emotional impulses with rational thought. For marketers, tapping into these emotional triggers and harnessing them to shape our strategies can be a game-changer.

Google’s research into consumer psychology reveals how six different biases influence purchasing decisions. Among them, the “Power of Free” emerges as a remarkably influential factor, with 70% of consumers switching from their favourite brand for an additional product or service at no extra cost. Whether it’s a luxury item or a daily necessity, this study proves the profound impact that well-crafted Gift with Purchase campaigns have on customer behaviour and brand loyalty.

So, let’s dig deeper into the emotional triggers that make GWP campaigns so irresistible:

  • Desire for Rewards: We’re wired to love rewards. When customers see they can score a free gift with their purchase, they’re more likely to buy. And that’s how you create loyal fans!
  • Exclusivity: Customers crave that VIP feeling. Limited-edition or exclusive gifts create a sense of urgency, motivating customers to take action before it’s too late.

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  • Perceived Value: Boost the value of a purchase with a free gift. It’s a win-win situation when the gift complements the main product, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Reciprocity: The good ol’ “scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” principle. Customers who receive a free gift feel compelled to reciprocate the gesture in some way, like making another purchase or spreading the word.
  • Endowment Effect: Ownership increases value perception. When customers receive a gift, they value the main product more, boosting the appeal of your Gift with Purchase campaign.

Understanding these psychological factors can help you optimise your GWP campaigns for different customer types.