2024 Sporting Events: May

Kentucky Derby

Location: Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Date: 4th May 2024

The Kentucky Derby is a blend of sport and spectacle, offering brands a chance to engage in thematic marketing. Whether it’s through fashion-forward campaigns or culinary tie-ins, the event provides a rich tapestry for creative marketing.

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FA Cup Final

Location: London, United Kingdom

Date: 25th May 2024

The FA Cup Final is a storied event in UK football, known for its potential for upsets and dramatic storylines. Brands can leverage the event’s rich history and unpredictability to engage fans in emotionally resonant campaigns.

IIHF World Championship

Location: Czechia

Date: 10th – 26th May 2024

The IIHF World Championship is a focal point for ice hockey fans, especially in colder climates such as Canada, parts of the U.S., and parts of Europe. Brands can use this event to engage with audiences through campaigns that celebrate the speed and skill of the sport.