Step Eight: Plan Your Promotion Activity Timeline

Once you have set your budget and determined your promotional channels, it’s time to plan out the timeline for your promotion. A well-planned timeline ensures that all the necessary tasks are completed on time, and that the promotion is executed smoothly.

Here are some tips for planning your promotion and activity timeline:

  • Identify key milestones: Start by identifying the key milestones for your promotion, such as the launch date, the end date, and any important events or deadlines. Make sure to set realistic timelines for each milestone.
  • Break down tasks: Once you have identified the key milestones, break down the tasks required to achieve each milestone. Assign deadlines to each task, and make sure they are achievable.
  • Assign responsibilities: Assign responsibilities for each task to specific team members or departments. Make sure everyone knows their role and is clear on what is expected of them.
  • Use a project management tool: Consider using a project management tool, such as Asana or Trello, to help you plan and track your promotion timeline. These tools can help you assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress.
  • Build in buffer time: Allow for buffer time in your timeline in case of unexpected delays or changes. This will help you stay on track even if something unexpected comes up.
  • Review and adjust your timeline as needed: Your timeline may need to be adjusted as you encounter unexpected obstacles or delays. Review your timeline regularly and make any necessary adjustments to keep your promotion on track.
  • Test your promotion before launch: Testing your promotion before launch can help you identify any issues or glitches and ensure that everything is working properly. Allow enough time in your timeline for testing and make any necessary adjustments based on the results.

Contributors and Responsibilities

Don’t forget about the behind-the-scenes work that is essential for a successful promotion. Here are some factors to consider, especially if your promotion is global:

  • Customer service: Who will handle customer inquiries about the promotion? Are there any language barriers or time zone differences to consider? Make sure your team is prepared and properly trained.
  • Legal implications: Proper terms and conditions must be created to avoid any legal issues. Laws regulating advertising and promotions vary by country, as do data protection and privacy laws. Be sure to have a plan in place to handle these matters.
  • Translations: If your promotion will be offered in multiple countries, consider who will handle translating all promotional materials. It’s important to ensure that your messaging doesn’t lose its meaning in translation.
  • Payments and currencies: If you’re offering cashback, how will you handle payments and different currency considerations? Be prepared to handle financial matters on a global scale.
  • Logistics: Ensure that all products, materials, and prizes are available and can be shipped to each country in a timely and cost-effective manner. Don’t let logistics become a bottleneck for your promotion.
  • Tax implications: Be aware of any potential duties and tariffs in different countries to avoid any surprises.

Enhance Campaigns with Our Sales Promotion Workbook

A 10-step guide for sales promotion planning, from goal-setting to post-campaign evaluation.

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Example of a Sales Promotion Timeline: New Product Launch with Cashback Promotion

Objective: To generate buzz and increase sales by 10% for a new high-tech camera by offering a cashback promotion for a limited time.

Target Audience: Early adopters, tech enthusiasts and photographers

Promotion Offer: £100 cashback on all purchases of the new product made during the promotion period


Week 1-2: Planning

  • Finalise the offer and budget.
  • Set the terms and conditions.
  • Brief the creative team on the promotion and start developing the promotional materials.
  • Develop a landing page on the website or launch a dedicated microsite specifically for the promotion.
  • Begin building an email list of potential customers to notify up the upcoming promotion
  • Brief sales, customer service, resellers, and distributors on the cashback promotion.
  • Set up systems for tracking sales and cashback claims
  • Ensure that stock will be available to meet demand

Week 3-4: Pre-launch marketing activities

  • Send a launch email to the customer database highlighting the promotion and product details
  • Develop social media campaigns to promote the promotion
  • Launch paid advertising campaigns on relevant platforms such as Facebook and Instagram
  • Prepare a press release for media outlets

Week 5-8: Promotion Period

  • Host a product launch event in-store or online with a demo of the new product and refreshments.
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews of the new product on the website and social media.
  • Monitor sales and promotion engagement, adjusting as needed
  • Process cashback claims and ensure timely payouts
  • Keep the buzz going on social media and other channels
  • Monitor inventory levels and adjust promotion as necessary to ensure product availability

Week 9-10: Post-Promotion Period

  • Conduct customer feedback surveys to gather feedback on the promotion and the product
  • Analyse sales and engagement data to evaluate the success of the promotion
  • Evaluate the ROI and overall effectiveness of the promotion
  • Prepare a report summarizing the promotion’s performance and make recommendations for future promotions.

Weeks 11-12 – Post-Promotion Marketing Activities

  • Send a follow-up email to customers who took advantage of the promotion, offering additional product information and discounts on related products.
  • Begin planning for the next promotion or marketing campaign based on the findings of the evaluation report.