Step One: Define Your Goals

Before jumping any further into creating your sales promotion plan, it’s crucial to define your goals. This step sets the foundation for a successful campaign by ensuring your objectives are clear, concise, and measurable.

Ambiguity can lead to confusion and hinders the effectiveness of the promotion. Therefore, it’s essential to ask yourself what you hope to achieve with your promotion. Do you want to boost sales, attract new customers, or retain existing ones? Be specific in your answers. For example, rather than setting a broad and vague goal such as “increase sales”, set a specific target, such as “increase sales by 10% in the next quarter.”

Defining your goals in detail will give you a guiding star to follow throughout the promotion planning process. It will also help you identify the necessary resources required to successfully run your campaign.

Enhance Campaigns with Our Sales Promotion Workbook

A 10-step guide for sales promotion planning, from goal-setting to post-campaign evaluation.

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By having clear and specific goals, you can ensure that all aspects of your promotion, from choosing the type of promotion to selecting the prizes or rewards, are aligned with your objectives. So take the time to define your goals thoroughly and keep them in mind throughout the entire promotion planning process.

In Summary:

  • Set a strong foundation: Start with well-defined and measurable goals for your campaign.
  • Identify desired outcomes: Clearly state what you aim to achieve, such as new customer acquisition or increased sales.
  • Be precise: Use quantifiable targets to drive actions and decisions throughout the planning process.