Common Potential Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Now that you know how and when to use Sweepstakes, Competitions, and Instant Wins to boost your marketing strategy, let’s talk about what to avoid. Over the years, we’ve seen some planning and execution mistakes that can hinder the success of campaigns, and by taking proactive steps, you can make sure your promotions run smoothly and really deliver on your goals.


  • Poor-Quality Leads: If the entry barrier is too low, you may attract prize hunters instead of genuine prospects. Consider how you can balance accessibility with quality.
  • Legal Compliance: Laws aren’t just for lawyers. Ensure your sweepstakes meet all legal requirements.
  • Winner Selection: Fairness is paramount. Make your winner selection and notification process transparent and fair to keep customers happy and build trust.

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  • Legal Implications: Different regions, different rules. Make sure you’re fully compliant with all local regulations to avoid legal pitfalls.
  • Customer Discontent: A competition can quickly turn sour if it’s not managed properly. Be crystal clear about the rules, deadlines, and winner selection to keep participants happy.
  • Time Management: Competitions can be time-consuming. Ensure you’re ready to invest the necessary resources to make it a winner.

Instant Wins:

  • Prize Management: Ensure you have an effective system in place to manage the distribution of prizes.
  • Legal Compliance: As with other types of promotions, make sure your instant win game is compliant with local laws.
  • Technological Failures: If running an online instant win game, ensure your website or app can handle the increased traffic and function flawlessly.