How Do These Promotions Appeal to Customers?

These marketing campaigns excite consumers by offering prizes, tapping into their desires for a sense of achievement, social recognition, but also practical gains. This approach highlights the ongoing conflict consumers face between hedonic values, which seek pleasure and emotional satisfaction, and utilitarian values, which prioritize practical benefits and functionality.

Let’s delve deeper into why these promotions can be so appealing to customers:


Sweepstakes harness the power of anticipation, making customers part of a larger narrative of suspense and potential victory. What’s the secret behind their strong appeal?

  • Anticipation of Winning (Hedonic): The excitement of possibly winning a sweepstake adds an element of fun and suspense, contributing to a positive, engaging customer experience.
  • Social Sharing (Hedonic): Some sweepstakes might encourage participants to share the promotion with friends or on social media, providing a sense of social connection and influence.
  • Easy Participation (Utilitarian): Entering a sweepstake is usually straightforward and doesn’t require much time or effort, which enhances its practical appeal.
  • Attractive Prizes (Both): The potential to win valuable prizes serves a practical need (material gain) and provides emotional satisfaction (the thrill of winning).


A dual-purpose tool for fostering deep customer engagement and creating a repository of user-generated content. Ideal for brands looking to strengthen their community and amplify their social media presence.

  • Mastery and Achievement (Hedonic): Participating in a competition provides an opportunity for customers to engage in a challenge and possibly master a new skill. Winning validates their efforts and offers a sense of achievement.
  • Recognition (Hedonic): Winning a competition often comes with public recognition, which provides emotional satisfaction and a feeling of special status.
  • Material Rewards (Utilitarian): Prizes associated with competitions can offer practical benefits, especially if they’re products or services the customer already uses or aspires to own.
  • Skill Development (Both): If the competition involves a particular skill or knowledge, participants might enjoy the opportunity to learn or improve in this area.

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Instant Wins

When examining the customer appeal of instant win promotions, we see a substantial tilt towards hedonic (emotional) aspects, with the thrill of immediate gratification being a key driving factor. However, there are also utilitarian (practical) benefits, albeit to a lesser extent.

  • Instant Gratification (Hedonic): The instant reward provided by this kind of promotion offers immediate emotional satisfaction.
  • Surprise Element (Hedonic): The surprise factor associated with Instant Win promotions can also add to the emotional satisfaction derived from participating.
  • Ease of Winning (Utilitarian): The high odds of winning in instant win games compared to other types of promotions make them appealing from a practical perspective.
  • Direct Rewards (Both): Instant win promotions often provide material rewards that serve a practical need and also offer emotional satisfaction through the act of winning something on the spot.